Schwinn vs Monthly Subscription Bikes


...You do NOT need to pay monthly subscription fees
to own a World Class cycle that gives you
an incredible ride.


StudioCycles has been one of the global leaders in indoor cycle sales & service for commercial and residential settings for over 23 years. Since StudioCycles was founded in 1995 we have seen many fads come and go. Currently there is a battle going on with manufacturers to see who can have the most gadgets, bells and whistles added to their bike in effort to get you to purchase.

StudioCycles is here to tell you it is OK to say NO to more gadgets and it is OK to say NO to a lifetime of monthly subscription fees!

The makers of these gadget cycles are spending millions of marketing dollars to tell you why you must have their latest gimmick...with the bottom line being...they want you as a life long subscription paying customer...which adds up to thousands of dollars YOU will PAY on TOP of the price you already have to pay for the bike alone!


We know you want a bike that will last a lifetime
but do you really want a lifetime of subscription fees?

Cost of Subscription Fees

The subscription based cycles average yearly subscription fee is nearly $500! That means you will pay nearly $10,000 in additional fees if you plan on using your bike to stay fit for only 20 more years...say you only want to stay fit 10 more years? You will still pay nearly an additional $5,000! Which again is on top of the original cost of the bike alone.

Are these gadgets something that you will actually use? We will be the first to agree...the gadgets seemed like a good idea at first glance though what we have found in our professional experience is that MORE GADGETS = MORE PROBLEMS. More things to break down, more down time from your workout routine, and more in-home service calls. We live in the age of the minimalist movement where less is certainly more.


Here is the Solution:

The Schwinn A.C. Perfomance Plus with Carbon Blue

Cost of Subscription Fees

Schwinn has been the leader in indoor cycles sales from the very beginning and the top selling Scwhinn AC Performance Plus with Carbon Blue belt drive offers the highest quality bike on the market with no additional monthly subscription fees for as long as you own your bike!

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The Schwinn AC Performance Plus with Carbon Blue belt drive offers you a Pure Cycling Experience and:

Schwinn A.C. Performance Plus with Carbon Blue
  • No monthly subscription fees = 0 dollars forever to stream free content & classes on the internet
  • A Built in Tablet holder where you can stream content for FREE on your personal tablet (tablet not included)
  • Lifetime warranty
  • Highest grade components
  • Quiet, Smooth Belt Drive Technology
  • Virtually no maintenance or in home service calls
  • An Authentic Cycling experience
  • Perfect cycle for the avid professional or indoor cycling newcomer
  • A tried and true brand that puts money in to the bike quality not just marketing or gimmicks
  • High density aluminum frame
  • Dual water bottle holder
  • Convenient transport wheels for easy bike movement
  • Professional grade dual sided pedal
  • Commercial grade bottom bracket
  • Commercial grade magnetic brake system
  • Again, NO MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION fees which will save you THOUSANDS over the lifetime ownership and use of this cycle!

PLUS StudioCycles will ship you the bike for FREE with our proprietary Pro Build and Tune!

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Schwinn gives you the FREEDOM to choose whatever ride you want!

With Schwinn you have the choice of streaming cycle classes, watching Netflix or simply surfing the web on your personal tablet or choosing to unplug from watching a screen in front of your face altogether. We live in a world where we are more and more connected and plugged in at every turn. Considering most of us already stare at a screen ALL DAY you can choose to listen to some great music or a book on audio instead.

With the Schwinn AC Performance Plus you have the power to Disconnect, Get Fit and DO YOU! All the while saying good bye to spending thousands of dollars on a lifetime of monthly subscriptions fees.


What will you do with all the extra money you save?


Who Buys Schwinn from StudioCycles?

  • Newbies to fitness
  • Professional athlete's
  • Health Clubs
  • Baby boomers
  • Millennials
  • Celebrities
  • Top Indoor Cycle Studios/Franchises
  • Colleges
  • Police & Fire stations
  • Stay at home Mom’s
  • Stay at home Dad’s
  • People who hate monthly subscription fees
  • People who love saving money
  • The list is growing daily!!!

Schwinn A.C. Performance Plus with Carbon Blue

Schwinn Wins on Superior Quality and Overall Performance with NO SUBSCRIPTION FEES!

For more details on the Schwinn AC Performance Plus with Carbon Blue Belt Drive...

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